The movie making upended us both more than we expected. Like moving studio or household to a new place…many old corners get excavated. It’s supposed to be cleansing – a chance to toss out detritus – and it is until suddenly it’s, “I did WHAT?” Or worse: “Why didn’t I finish this? Follow that? Give a good answer?” Why didn’t I save….”
I had gone through boxes and books of old photos, looked for lost documents, written to people about lost works. Finding too many unanswered questions. Baz –six years after publication—was asked to read all of Mirage aloud so excerpts can be on hand as voiceovers for the film. He hadn’t remembered how autobiographical it is. Reliving through reimagination. Art is? Mirage is. Mirage: a poem in 22 sections.
In addition my contributions to the job of persuading friends and collectors to contribute funds for the completion of the film –an ongoing effort, by the way–
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–we both came to a dead stop in our own work. Mine is still in recovery, as I’m sorting for another different way to enter. Baz has bounced back. See above. AND: