Baz has been moving across and back from abstract to figures again. There will be pigeon paintings on canvas this winter. For a look at numbers 1 to 8, copy this link into your browser:
These eight are all mixed media on paper, 26” x 40,” November and December 2013. (The media are ink, charcoal, library chalk, and oils.) We put number seven on a New Year greeting emailed to many friends.

Pigeons have been appearing in Basil King works ever since Mulch Magazine in 1970, when he photographed the flock living in the triangle behind old Cooper Union as well as single birds sitting on benches in Central Park. From the seventies on, pigeons do turn up. This November 2013, he and I visited the Delacroix museum in Paris, which is simply Delacroix’s home and studio, nicely preserved. A domestic and workspace setup of consummate elegance, simplicity, and grace. And in his garden, yes, a pigeon.What show his 40 years of bird work would make!