To celebrate the legacy of Black Mountain College, the Turchin Center for Visual Arts at Appalachian State University has mounted a show called “Creative Democracy.” It’ll be on view until June 2, 2018. (See previous post, “Basil King in new BMC Exhibition” posted in January.)
Twelve of Basil King’s recent bird paintings are featured, along with other Black Mountain connected art and artifacts. Basil gave a one-hour talk on his art and life as did former BMC student Frank Hursh. Martha is represented with some of her publications in vitrines. The Kings also visited poet Joe Bethanti’s class for a lively Q&A about Black Mountain and beyond. Books by Martha and by Basil are currently for sale in the Appalachian State University bookstore. (Look on the website www.basilking.net for purchase information elsewhere!)
Here are some highlights.